
How My Customer Service Background And Experience Has Prepared Me For This Job

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  • Customer Service

Client Service Interview

To assistance you set for your side by side chore interview, here are 25 interview questions focused on your customer service skills.

Customer Service was written past and updated on Baronial 17th, 2018. Learn more here.

Question 15 of 25

Tell me about your customer service experience.

  • How to Answer

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How to Answer: Tell me about your customer service experience.

  1. 15.

    Tell me about your client service experience.

      How to Respond

      The interviewer would like a brief overview of your customer service experience. Avert beginning at the VERY the beginning of your entire career. Your resume should touch on just the concluding ten years of your career, at almost. Begin your reply with the oldest listed customer service job on your resume. Motility up in fourth dimension from there.

      Rachelle's Reply

      "I started my career in customer service as a cashier at the local grocery store. Eventually, I gained the promotion to assistant manager. Subsequently four years, that detail shop airtight down, and I found a new office with Company ABC. I have been there, as the cafeteria manager, ever since. My office includes face to face up client service, client complaint follow-ups, besides as attendance at some events such as food drives and other charitable efforts."

      Rachelle'south Answer for an Admin Interview

      "I have been an authoritative assistant for the past six years, always since completing my business assistants certificate. My first office was with Visitor ABC. They hired me as their receptionist afterwards completing my 120 practicum hours with them. I was happy they were so impressed with my client service skills correct off the bat. When I relocated, I spent some time equally a temp receptionist, working in a diversity of corporate offices in downtown Denver. For the past three years, I have been with my current company, equally an executive assistant. My 24-hour interval-to-solar day including working with vendors and customers, ensuring smooth events execution, travel plans, and overall scheduling for the executive whom I support."

      Rachelle'southward Answer for a Managing director Interview

      "Customer service has been the cadre of my career all along. Starting with my earlier positions, you volition see on my resume that I worked as a deputed sales associate for Company ABC for two years. The customers were very loyal, and I loved helping them troubleshoot their tech-based needs. In one case that company merged with a competitor, I stayed on and gained promotion to assistant manager. I stayed there for another five years. Currently, I manage a team of x sales associates and train them in delivering excellent customer service. As the director, I take intendance of whatever client service disputes and escalated needs."

      Rachelle's Respond for a Marketing Interview

      "In marketing, customer service is the most important role of successful campaign delivery. If I have a connection with my customers, I will better understand their needs and the voice of their business organisation, therefore, offer a greater production. Customer service has been at the heart of every marketing role I accept held in the past eight years. Not listed on my resume is the serving task I had at University. Also, a very highly customer-service driven role."

      Rachelle's Reply for a Retail Interview

      "I have worked in fashion retail for the past iv years. First, at department store ABC where I worked at the customer service desk. I helped people with their inquiries, and returns. Later staying in that role for one year, I moved to my current role equally a customer service manager for Company ABC. I follow upward on client complaints and spend some time on the floor in directly sales too."

      Rachelle's Answer for a Sales Interview

      "Sales and customer service go paw-in-hand. I accept been in a sales-based role for the past eight years. As an Inside Sales Rep for Visitor ABC, I called on existing accounts which had not ordered for over 90 days. This lack of order was because they were unhappy most their terminal experience. It was entirely my chore to turn them around by displaying impeccable customer care. I take that grooming and experience with me to work every twenty-four hour period at Company XYZ past showing added care in all of my customer interactions."

      3 Community Answers

      Anonymous interview answers with our interview experts feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "I've been in the customer service manufacture for more than than 18 years mostly equally a customer service specialist where I handle customer inquiries, profitable with concerns and resolving issues either past phone, e-mail, or conversation. My recent experience as a catering business concern owner includes face-to-confront client service, equally well as attendance at some events such as food drives and other charitable efforts. I'm excited to bring my skills and knowledge in client service to your company."

      Stephanie's Response

      First-class response! This conspicuously highlights your client service experience across multiple settings.

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      Anonymous Answer

      "I accept over half dozen years of experience in customer service. During my diverse jobs, I would be directly interacting with the customers."

      Cindy's Response

      Good start! This is a great opportunity to draw on your six years of experience and sell your experience. How have yous interacted? What bug have you solved?

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      Bearding Answer

      "I started my client service career as a server. I have worked in international reservations for a major airline, unemployment claims, client service for ii states - Texas and New York, and corporate international travel for two large travel management companies. I have an excellent client service attitude!"

      Amanda's Response

      Y'all've done a expert job outlining your years of customer service and in what sectors. You can flesh out your response by sharing how you served customers - in person, online, via telephone, etc. If you lot're enlightened of the general numbers, it may also exist helpful to share approximately how many customers you were able to aid each week or day in your diverse positions, calculation greater context to your level of experience.

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How My Customer Service Background And Experience Has Prepared Me For This Job,


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