
How To Add Local Service To Administrators Group

ii Options to Add a User to Local Administrators Group

July 13th, 2015 by Exit a reply »

Just an administrator can perform the administration tasks such as installing a driver or an application. If you lot accept an existing standard or limited account, you can grant it administrator privileges by adding it to the built-in Administrators group. Here are ii options to add together a user to the local Administrators group in Windows x, 8, vii, Vista or XP.

Option 1: Calculator Management

The easier way to add a user to the local Administrators group is to employ the Reckoner Management app. Here's how:

  1. To open the Computer Direction, correct-click on My Computer icon on your desktop and and so selectManage. Another method is to press the Windows cardinal + R to bring up the Run box, and then type compmgmt.msc and hit Enter.
  2. When the Reckoner Management window opens, aggrandize Local Users And Groups in the left pane, and click on Users (Please skip to the choice 2 below if you don't see Local Users and Groups.)


  3. Double-click your desired user account in the right hand side.
  4. In the User Properties window, click the Add push button.


  5. In the Select Groups dialog, type the name of your administrators group. Click Check Names, and so click OK.


    If you don't know the proper noun of your administrator group, click Advanced and side by side click Find Now.

Option 2: Command Prompt

All the same, not every edition of Windows have the Local Users and Groups entry in the Computer Management (for example, Windows 8 Dwelling and domain controller). This method volition work on all editions of Windows.

  1. Open up an elevated Command Prompt. In Windows ten or 8, press the Windows cardinal + Ten and and so click "Command Prompt (Admin)". In Windows 7 or Vista, go to Start > All Programs > Accessories, and then right-click on Command Prompt shortcut and select "Run as Administrator".
  2. To see a listing of local groups available, but blazon:
    internet localgroup
  3. Yous tin add a user to the built-in Administrators group by running the following command:

    internet localgroup Administrators [username] /add

    For case, add together a user named test to the administrators group, we can run the below control.
    net localgroup Administrators test /add


How To Add Local Service To Administrators Group,


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